Home - Design Pulp
Equal parts eye candy and meaty content, Design Pulp is run by Stephanie Andrews, Jennifer Carter and Melody Richardson of Balance Design in Atlanta, GA. Design Pulp aims to share photos, musings, and people that delight and inspire in the world of design and beyond. We are here to catch your eye and shake up your standards! Consider us your friend who will push you a little and love you a lot.
interior design atlanta, design blog atlanta
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By Stephanie Andrews As we near the end of week #2 of social distancing in Atlanta, we've found we've had more time to reflect...

By Jennifer Carter Environmental Consciousness is Balance Design’s third core value. Reflected throughout our designs and business, we are dedicated to being responsible stewards...

By the Balance Design Team Innovation is one of our core values, both in our process and our final designs. But what does that...

By: Stephanie Andrews Art is an integral part of great design, and local art makes a space especially meaningful. Over the years we have...

by Stephanie Andrews As we begin our focus this month on home love, we wanted to share a local artist that we really admire. ...

by Stephanie Andrews The Swedish word “lagom” (pronounced “lah-gom”) loosely translates to “in balance” and “having just the right amount." Photography courtesy of Danielle Clockel This...