25 Feb Wallpaper Crush!
Oftentimes when people think about wallpaper, they are reminded of less than positive images of their parents/grandparents homes. However, over the past decade wallpaper has made a huge reemergence in the design world. Many companies are creating entirely new concepts and applications, while others are reimaginings classic patterns and textures. At Balance Design, we are all in agreeance that wallpaper is here to stay- and we couldn’t be happier! With that thought in mind, we wanted to share some eye candy with you this week. Here are a few of the wallpapers that our team is crushing on right now:

I am in love with the new collection of wallpapers that Atlanta based designers, Tavi Forbes & Monet Master of Forbes + Masters, have created for Mitchell Black. Pulling from their own cultural roots and African origin, the sentiment behind their “Nomalanga in Linen” paper, in particular, makes me even more inspired to use it for an upcoming project! “Nomalanga meaning “sunlit”, in Zulu, consists of circles representing the sun and thus life. Each line is a horizon to which it must rise and then set.” Can you imagine being able to look up at this wallpaper everyday, especially with a bedroom ceiling application like designer, Tiffany Thompson of Duett Interiors, has put together? Just magical!

I’ve always been a sucker for floral wallpaper, but this particular one from Rebel Walls is a true favorite. Evoking feelings of basking in the sunshine amongst the wildflowers, the Crown of Dill wall mural could work in a multitude of spaces. Happy bedroom accent walls, powder bathrooms, breakfast nooks, and even office spaces could be transformed with this joyful pattern. My favorite part about this mural is that it is customizable. You can make it work for ANY space in your home!

My current wallpaper obsession is Neo-Belle-Epoque from Coordonne’s Metamorphosis collection. From far away it looks like a traditional, floral pattern, but then if you get close, you’ll see a whole little world of playful fairy creatures, bugs, animals and other little surprises. We recently spectified the blue colorway for a powder room renovation, and I’m so excited to see it installed!

This Wallpaper from Hygge & West “Fable Emerald” is by far one of the most beautiful and rich Wallpaper covers I’ve seen. I envision this wallpaper in a reading nook. What particularly stands out to me is the saturated emerald green and the playful touches of flora and fauna.

I just absolutely love how fun and cheeky this wallpaper is! It adds a bit of humor or character to a room, while still living in the neutral color zone. Makeway for “puff the magic blowfish,” this grasscloth is sustainable and is making waves near you!
The good news is, whether our favorite wallpapers speak to you, or if something a little different is more up your alley, the world of wallpaper is vast and accessible. Remember that wallpaper is not limited to traditional applications either- have fun with it! We’d love to see your favorites as well!
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