08 Oct The Art of Atlanta PRIDE
Sadly, again this year, we are unable to “officially” frolic and have fun at the Atlanta PRIDE festival in Piedmont Park. We are unable to enjoy the incredible parade and unforgettable sites, as has been the custom for the past 50 years. According to Atlanta Pride, it was too risky to expose supporters to COVID and the Delta variant. Alas, 2 years in a row! Thus, we thought we would share some beauty with our readers in the form of PRIDE art in Atlanta. Murals, windows, dancers- all celebrating through their art. These artists put in countless hours to create their unique expressions, and they deserve to be shared with the masses!

We hope that you can see some of these gorgeous murals in person! Thanks to Secret Atlanta for some of your art sources. Thanks to the artists who help make our city beautiful. See you next year, we hope that we can party like it is 2022!
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