20 Aug Artist In Residence: Briana Gordon

Each spring and fall, prior to the pandemic, the team at Balance Design refreshed our studio and curated a space with new designs and local art and invited our community to join us for an open house. This year, we are still hoping to have an opening- albeit somewhat different than in the past. Stay tuned as we navigate this ever changing social climate, and we promise to share the event details as soon as they are finalized. We do, however, want to introduce you to one of the artists we will be collaborating with for the fall season. She is an incredibly talented, local artist that you may have seen on our page before and we are so excited to be working with her. We, at Balance Design, relish the opportunity to infuse our designs with local and emerging artists. Please read on to learn more about artist Briana Gordon.

Balance Design- Tell us a bit about you, your background and how you got into art?
Briana Gordon- Ever since I could hold a pencil, drawing has been my main form of creative expression. I am self taught, and currently creating out of Atlanta, GA.
BD- What are some of your primary inspirations for your art?
BG- My art is heavily influenced by my personal evolution as well as the events, people, and situations in my life. At the moment I am inspired by the rise of spirituality in the community around me and the energy that the divine feminine can create around her and within others.

BD- How would you describe your art?
BG- Art is my method of self expression, and I believe each piece denotes qualities that I would like to surround myself with such as themes of peace and internal reflection.
BD- Why do you think people are so attracted to your art?
BG- Perhaps they see something that resonates with them internally, or something that they wish to see within themselves.

BD- What mediums do you use to create your art?
BG- At the moment I have been creating with mostly acrylic and oil paint; however, I am familiar with watercolors and digital mediums.
BD- What feeling do you want to convey when you create?
BG- I do not create with an idea of what I would like people to think, however, my internal emotions or desires fill the painting as it is created. Looking at all of my pieces side by side, I believe the ultimate emotions that they emanate are internal peace and calmness that extends into the world around them in different ways.
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