06 Nov 5 beautiful ways to ease into the holiday season
We have an unprecedented holiday this year. For me, this year has been full of anxiety, questions and unease. Yet, I also feel gratitude, appreciation for quality time with friends and family, and a renewed passion for the home. It is in this spirit, that I show you some of the things that I am doing in my home to ease into the holiday season.
1- Seasonal Wreaths

No more dusty wreath from the attic this year. I am investing in a new one! To me, wreaths signify the eternity of life and love with their circle. I love this one that I found recently from CB2. It is organic, subtle, textural and can be left on my door for the next 3 months.
2- Forced Blooms

My mom has a green thumb and always forced blooms when I was growing up. Such a simple process that I have continued every year. My favorite is amaryllis. To watch it grow in 4-6 weeks is both amazing and deeply satisfying. I get mine at Lowe’s and then line my mantle with 3-5 of these regal beauties. At the end of their blooming, I plant them and, surprisingly, the ones in the yard come up at the most wonderful times.
3- Festive Candles

I love masculine and woodsy scented candles. The trick is not too strong or they can give me a headache. As there are so many wonderful choices, I think I am going to get a couple for different moods- like this Frasier Fir candle from Thymes, or even eucalyptus and perhaps some green tea.
4-Fire Kits

As the weather has gotten cooler, we are enjoying the fire pit again. My friend, Gail, had a box of firewood delivered from Cutting Edge Firewood with everything that you need for a great fire-matches, kiln dried kindling, and perfectly seasoned logs. A bit expensive for every day, but it sure was perfect for the special occasion.
5- Personal Fire Vessel

Speaking of fire- I really love these modern fire vessels, like these from Food52, that burn on ethyl alcohol. Easy to enjoy, safe and interesting-these little beauties come in all shapes and sizes!
Since it is only the first week of November, this won’t be the first post about the holiday season, but we hope that yours is full of beauty and grace.
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