12 Feb #BDHomelove: The Year I Found Myself In A Corner
Intro by Stephanie Andrews
February is a month that we celebrate and love on our clients. We call it #BDHOMELOVE. This year we have asked some special clients what they love about their home. Our guest contributor this week is a client that we have been working with for years. She is as beautiful inside as she is outside. Sarah Catherine has written an essay about her life at home in the past year. We believe that our homes help us create our best life, one that is supporting and beautiful. What does home mean to you? What do you love about your home? Feel free to send us your thoughts and pics to keep the conversation going.
The Year I Found Myself in a Corner
by Sarah Catherine Tunkle

This year has been the year of learning “to be.” “To be?” you ask? Yes. We have had to learn how to be – to be with ourselves; to be alone; to be with our partners; to be with our children; to be patient, kind, and understanding; to be still; and to be home – in ways we’ve never had to be before. Social distancing and quarantining have stripped away our options for going places, doing things, and being the people we were accustomed to being. A virus has dictated what we cannot do and where we cannot go. This new lifestyle has forced us to step back and to appreciate what we do have. We have our people who give us love and our homes that give us shelter in a time when COVID has caused quite a storm. These uncertain times have forced us to dig deep, to search for ourselves in what is a new normal. The digging, the search… Well, I think I speak for many when I say it has been quite challenging; however, the reward has been so sweet when compassion and patience have prevailed. So, how did I find myself in a corner? I gravitated to the place that gave me nourishment, light, and a literal window to the outside world. I put my desk there and a chair. I placed a philodendron on the left and a fern on the right. Pens, flowers, and a candle I put on the desk and stationery I placed in its drawer. I put my piano behind me. It was there I found myself in my own little corner; it was there I started “being” in this new normal. And it is here I find myself every day. In my corner, I watch people pass by. Some days, I watch the sun rise, and on others, I watch twilight fall. I love the way the light in the room changes. I write letters to people I cannot visit. I listen to music. I play piano. Oftentimes, I’m here alone, but sometimes my dog comes and plops down at my feet. The season is starting to change, and I sense the spinning of this great world from the comfort of the corner I am in. It is my sanctuary, and for now, it is all I need.
Special thanks to Stephanie and her team from Balance Design for helping curate my perfect corner. They breathe life into space, and I so appreciate the care and passion they put into all they do to make our house a home. All items were found here in Atlanta.
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